Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Talent: Slacking

Hey guys....or...Hey future Maja ;)

College finals, where to begin.  Usually defined by lack of sleep, gallons of coffee and adderall, copious amounts of stress and finally a grade you hope to get...right? WRONG

I have been getting by for so long, I myself don't know how I manage to do so.  I head this motivational speaker in Ted Talks: Life Hacks say something along the lines of

"fake it 'til you make it, and when you do make it, fake it 'til you become it"

it...what is that it, what do I want to become.  Haha... #firstworldprobz
I am SOOOO incredibly blessed.  I have a great family, a roof over my head, i am healthy, I don't have to worry about my safety, nor food.  Then why am I so needy guys!?

I am getting off track, I am not studying, and I am okay with it.  Leaving everything until last minute and hazarding with my faith, betting on everything will work it's self out.  And mostly everything does, which just grants me another opportunity to slack, and get by.

I am so fortunate, maybe it's because I am so positive...you send positive energy out you get positive energy back...thanks power of attraction? or no...who should I thank, for always looking out for me and allowing me to be so careless about my future and getting exactly what I need.

I DON'T WANT THAT! I want to care! I want to do something in my life that I will be passionate about.  I want to wake up in the morning and crave to explore new things about my job.  I want that stupid elation and dedication to myself and my work.  I don't want to just get things because I am so talented at slacking!

Thanks for reading, yet another rant by your's truly!
BTW I cannot wait until summer starts I am going to try and post couple times a week! I am way too excited...maybe my passion for blogging will be what gives me that bliss of pure fucking ecstasy!

Until then...mwuahhhh

With Love,

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